This is booksalon
An international team living and breathing the success of our clients
This is booksalon
An international team living and breathing the success of our clients
From game developing to disrupting the beauty industry: the booksalon story
It is fair to say that booksalon has its roots in the mobile gaming industry. Previously the booksalon core team, including the founder Jonne Castren, created several successful games for mobile users. After years of designing games Jonne knew the importance of user experience of any software: using should not only be easy, but pleasing and even fun. After examining the current booking systems in the beauty and wellness market and seeing the potential for improvement, Jonne set up to work to change the way we book, pay and receive bookings, a work that would end up changing booking experience for hundreds of thousands of people. And counting!
Our vision
“The hair, beauty and wellness industry employs innovative and entrepreneurial people, and they deserve the best digital tools out there. Our mission at booksalon is to provide them that. We define success by our clients being successful, and have built our business model around that principle. From the start, our vision has been to revolutionise the daily lives of beauty entrepreneurs, by providing them with a fully integrated business platform that offers all the services they need under one roof. In doing so we want to help them save both time and money so they can focus on what matters.”
- Jonne Castrén, Founder
We are booksalon
At booksalon we don’t believe in sitting on opposite ends of a table. Rather we have customers and employees sitting together on a round table. Around this table everybody has a voice. Everybody has the same goal: to see our members thrive and succeed.